Women's Network


NHS Golden Jubilee is committed to ensuring that our staff, patients and volunteers feel empowered, visible, safe, and proud to be themselves.

As an organisation we know that approximately 75% of our staff are female and therefore menstrual health and menopause can impact in different ways on the lives of the majority of our staff.

Who is the Network for?

The Network is open to any NHS Golden Jubilee staff members or volunteers who identify as female.


Aims of the Network

This network will provide a forum for staff who identify as female to focus on issues that impact on their lives in the workplace i.e. breastfeeding facilities, menopause, menstrual health; with the aim of looking at how to address challenges or even raise awareness of the impact of these issues.

How to join

If you want to be involved with the Women's Network, please contact:



Terms of reference for the network 

Title Extension Size Date published
Menopause Policy pdf 700.47 KB 19/04/2023
Genitourinary Symptoms of Menopause checker pdf 604.59 KB 19/04/2023
Understanding Menopause for Partners- pdf 163.83 KB 19/04/2023
Breastfeeding Policy pdf 504.46 KB 19/04/2023
Menopause symptom Checker pdf 424.98 KB 19/04/2023
Preparing for your smear test pdf 628.52 KB 19/04/2023
Understanding the psychological impact of Menopause pdf 629.74 KB 19/04/2023
Understanding Genitourinary symptoms of menopause pdf 166.01 KB 19/04/2023