Networks and Support Groups

NHS Golden Jubilee recognise the benefits that Staff Networks can bring towards fostering an inclusive workplace culture. Over recent years we have embarked on an ambitious journey to establish a family of networks to represent the nine protected characteristics and Fairer Scotland duty.

There are currently 7 staff networks established including Ethnic minority, Ability, LGBT+, Spiritual Care, Women’s, Young Person’s and Armed Forces.

Each Network is a part of our organisational structure, with a seat at the table at the Board’s Diversity and Inclusion group. This means that your views are heard,

and your subject matter expertise is recognised. Networks are open to all staff, volunteers and allies based within the hospital community.

As a demonstration of our organisations commitment to elevating the voices of staff from underrepresented groups, staff networks are endorsed from a senior leadership level through the creation of Executive leads and mentoring support from our board chair.

Ability Network

Empowering staff to be their best selves, to recognise different abilities in everyone so that they can succeed in the workplace.

At the Ability Network, our mission is to make equality, diversity and inclusion an everyday reality for all staff, to recognise the unique and diverse needs of our employees to create an adaptable and inclusive environment for everyone.

We seek to promote positive engagement with staff and managers to enable staff with disabilities, impairments, long-term and neurodivergent conditions to be supported through education, positive wellbeing practices and flexible approaches to employment and working practices.

To act as a panel of experts who have real lived experience of issues relating to disability and accessibility and to contribute to NHS Golden Jubilee’s policy and educational documents for disability and equality.

Find out more on the Ability Network page by clicking here. Get in touch:

Armed Forces Network

Our Armed Forces Network provides a supportive space for our armed forces veterans, reservists and families to share lived experience, recognising and honouring the valuable contribution they make on a daily basis.

Embracing the unique skillset of our armed forces veterans, and reservists, as an enabler to enhance career development and adding value within NHS Golden Jubilee.

Creating the conditions by fostering a supportive community to enable personal and professional growth.

Working with other armed forces networks and Health Boards across Scotland to better coordinate and collaborate on national issues.

Find out more on the Armed Forces Network page by clicking here. Get in touch:

Ethnic Minority Network

Creating a working environment and policy framework for minority ethnic staff which is open, supportive and promotes equality of opportunity, employee wellbeing and strengthening the employee voice.

To encourage and maintain a safe and positive working environment for ethnic minority staff and eliminate

racial discrimination for employees and patients.

To support in developing and maintaining a representative workforce with inclusive leadership, and to raise the visibility and contribution of ethnic minority staff.

To provide a forum where ethnic minority staff can share experience and issues affecting their work and professional development.

Find out more on the Ethnic Minority Network page by clicking here. Get in touch:

LGBT+ Network

Fostering a diverse inclusive workplace that encourages a culture of respect and equality for everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender expression or trans status – amplifying our voices to be heard.

Raising awareness and increasing the profile of LGBT+ staff and allies within NHS Golden Jubilee.

Providing LGBT+ staff, volunteers and allies with a safe, confidential and supportive space for professional and social networking.

Working with other LGBT+ networks in Health Boards across Scotland to better coordinate on national issues.

Find out more on the LGBT+ Network page by clicking here. Get in touch:

Spiritual Care Network

Widening the lens of the Spiritual Care and Wellbeing department to ensure continued delivery of a

service that is relevant to the whole hospital community and be a part of promoting the importance of spirituality within the context of holistic care.

Partnership working to help inform the wider workforce that spiritual care matters.

To be a lens to promote the spiritual care needs of all NHS Golden Jubilee staff.

To work in collaboration with the networks and wider organisation to minimise discrimination.

Find out more on the Spiritual Care Network page by clicking here. Get in touch: Tosh.Lynch2@GJNH.Scot.NHS.UK

Women's Network

There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish. The Women’s network provides a forum for staff who identify as female to focus on issues that impact on their lives in the workplace, for example, breastfeeding facilities, menopause, menstrual health; with the aim of looking at how to address challenges and raise awareness of the impact of these issues.

To raise awareness of gender issues in the workplace.

To provide staff with a safe, confidential and supportive space for professional and social networking.

To provide both formal and informal peer support.

Find out more on the Women’s Network webpage by clicking here. Get in touch:

Young Person's Network

This network provides young people with a voice and platform to grow, shine and make a valuable contribution to the work of NHS Golden Jubilee.

Providing a safe environment for young people to connect and share ideas.

Nurturing young people to grow and become our future leaders.

Embracing and embedding fresh ideas throughout our organisation to foster cultural change.

Find out more on the Young Person’s Network page by clicking here. Get in touch: