Social health
There are many types of relationships that we have including family relationships, friendships, romantic relationships and work relationships and all of these impact on our health and wellbeing. Positive relationships can be just as important as nutrition and physical activity to our health and wellbeing. And, even though relationships with others may evolve over time, maintaining a strong social network as we age can contribute to a longer, healthier life.
If you are looking for more information, advice or support there are a number sources including:
- the Employee Assistance Programme – this provides advice and support across family, friends, romantic and working relationships
- the Spark - provides couples counselling, marriage counselling, individual counselling, youth counselling and family counselling services in Scotland. They are also the biggest provider of school-based counselling services in Scotland.
- Citizens Advice – provides support for family and life problems
- – provides advice including on various topics including counselling and mediation
Parent Club - Advice and Support for Parents
Becoming a parent can be challenging and its can be like going into the unknown. You want to support your child to develop confidence, skills and independence but are not always sure how to do this.
Parent Club is a Scottish Government website that provides information and resources for parents, carers or parents-to-be from pregnancy through the teenage age years
The topics covered include, health and wellbeing, finance and educational information and advice.
For more information, click this link:
Help for parents - Campaign to help parents struggling with money or employment worries
If you’re finding it hard to make ends meet and the thought of applying for benefits or taking that first step into work is overwhelming, Parent Club can help.
The good news is there is lots of help available - and Parent Club can guide you to someone you can talk to about applying for benefits and, gaining skills, finding work or childcare.
Benefits and grants you could be entitled to
Knowing where to begin with benefits and one-off payments you’re entitled to can be stressful. You might also think you’re not eligible for any additional financial support, but it’s always worth checking as you may be surprised. Help is available to guide you to a trusted advisor who can help you find out about all the benefits and payments available to you and your family.
Finding a job that works for your family
The thought of finding a job can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re looking for something that fits around childcare. Whether you’ve been out of the workplace for a while, and or worried that your skills are out of date, or this might be your first time looking for a job, and you don’t know where to start. Whatever your situation, you don’t have to do it on your own, as there are lots of support services in your local area to help you and get you job ready.
Looking after your mental health
Worrying about money can take its toll on your mental health, and if you feel like everything is getting too much, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone and there is support out there. Parent Club has tips to help you look after your mental health and places you can go to find support.
To find out more about benefits and employment support, take that first step and visit
It can be hard to find time to volunteer with the busy lives that we lead between family and work. However, the benefits of volunteering can be enormous. While volunteering offers vital help to people in need, worthwhile causes, and the community, the benefits can be even greater for you.
Giving to others can also help protect your mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose. Giving in even simple ways can help those in need and improve your health and happiness.
Benefits of volunteering:
Volunteering connects you to others
- You can make new friends and contacts
- It increases your social skills
Volunteering is good for your mind and body.
- Volunteering helps counteract the effects of stress, anger, and anxiety.
- Volunteering combats depression.
- Volunteering makes you happy.
- Volunteering increases self-confidence.
- Volunteering provides a sense of purpose.
- Volunteering helps you stay physically healthy.
Volunteering can advance your career.
- Teaching you valuable job skills
- Gaining career experience
Volunteering brings fun and fulfillment to your life.
Within NHS Golden Jubilee we have a number of staff who support local young people through MCR Pathways, a charity that has been supporting care-experienced young people and those who have experienced disadvantage, since 2007.
MCR recruits and trains volunteer mentors who are matched with a like-minded young person that shares similar personality traits, hobbies or career aspirations.
Mentors meet with their young person at their school for just one hour per week and the difference this encouraging relationship makes is life-changing.
For more information watch MCR’s online info session:
Or follow @MCRPathways on social media for more information.
If it is a different opportunity that you’re looking for or even just more information about volunteering there are other resources:
Volunteer Scotland is the national centre for volunteering and has opportunities around Scotland:
The NHS Scotland Global Citizenship Programme aims to increase NHS Scotland’s global health contribution, by making it easier for all NHS staff to participate in global citizenship, both here in Scotland and overseas, through the provision of guidance, co-ordination and support.
You’ll also find volunteering opportunities advertised through your local council.
Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse (also called domestic violence or family violence) is violence or other abuse that occurs in a domestic setting, such as in a marriage or cohabitation. Domestic abuse is committed by one of the people in an intimate relationship against the other person, and can take place in relationships or between former spouses or partners. In its broadest sense, domestic abuse also involves abuse against children, parents, or the elderly.
Domestic abuse can include:
- being threatened
- name calling
- controlling what you do, where you go and who you speak to
- threatening your children
- not being allowed see your friends and family
- accusing you of cheating
- threatening to out your sexual orientation
- sharing - or threatening to share - intimate images of you with family, friends or work colleagues
- being hit, kicked, punched, or have objects thrown at you
- rape, being forced into sexual acts.
If you, or someone you know, is at risk of domestic abuse, you can contact Police Scotland. Alternatively, there are a number of organisations who can provide advice and support.
- Scotland's Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline telephone: 0800 027 1234 (24/7 helpline)
- Scottish Women’s Aid
- SafeLives
- Rape Crisis Scotland telephone 08088 010302
- Abused Men In Scotland (AMIS) telephone 03300 949 395
- Men's Advice Line telephone: 0808 801 0327
- LGBT Domestic Abuse Scotland
- Samaritans telephone: 116 123
- Supportline telephone: 01708 765200
- Scottish Women's Rights Centre telephone: 08088 010 789
- Victim Support Scotland telephone: 0800 160 1985
- ASSIST (Advocacy, Support, Safety, Information Services Together) telephone: 0141 276 7710
- Hestia - Bright Sky Application
- Hollie Guard
In addition, the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) can provide advice and support.
NHS Golden Jubilee’s commitment to staff Carers
A growing number of people are playing a dual role in balancing careers with caring responsibilities.
A survey of staff in NHS England in 2021 showed that around 1:3 staff in NHS England are working carers who were providing unpaid care and support to a family member or friend - a number of whom are aged between 45 and 64 - and most likely among the most experienced and skilled staff.
If you are drawn into a caring role you may face challenges trying to balance your caring responsibilities with your job. As a result, you might feel that you have to reduce your working hours, take time off work or even decide to give up work entirely.
Within NHS Golden Jubilee we recognise the importance of having carer friendly employment practices and policies to help you remain in work, or to encourage individuals to join us.
By enabling you to continue in employment we are not only supporting your financial and mental wellbeing, but importantly also retaining your valuable skills within the organisation.
In recent weeks a new Carers Policy has been approved at our Partnership Forum, which now sits alongside our Carers Guide, and provides information and guidance for staff and managers on ways to support carers, both of which are available on HR Connect.
Click the links below to view the Policy and Guide:
Additionally, NHS Golden Jubilee will join the Scottish Government Scheme Carers Positive with work commencing on the programme in the coming weeks.