Who can access Bereavement Support?

At NHS Golden Jubilee, members of the Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy team offer a bereavement listening service for all patients who have been bereaved within the last few years. This service is for patients, who while in hospital may wish to talk about a recent bereavement or a relative of a patient who has died.

What support is provided?

Your appointment will either be face-to-face in the hospital or online via MicrosoftTeam s depending on your location.

We offer up to 6 sessions of 1 to 1 support.

How can I make a referral?

You can self-refer using the contact details below or someone else can make the referral with your consent. You will need to provide the following information:

  • your name and contact details;
  • details of the bereavement; and
  • if you are referring on behalf of someone else, we will need their consent before we make contact with them

What happens next?

We will get in touch with you using your preferred method. This will be to assess your needs and set up an appointment for you.

Contacting us

If you would you like any further information or would like to make an appointment please contact us on 0141 951 5060. If your call goes to voicemail, please leave your name, contact number and a short message and someone will call you back as soon as possible. You can also contact us by email: GJNH.SpiritualCare@gjnh.scot.nhs.uk