Top 10 tips for interviews


NHS Golden Jubilees Top 10 Tips for Interviews.

Tip number 1. Do your research. What do you know about NHS Golden Jubilee and its position within the NHS in Scotland? A good start is by reading articles, websites and following our social media accounts.

Tip number 2. Check your social media accounts. It is always a good idea to be aware of and control the image of yourself online.

Tip number 3. Prepare. Look at common interview questions and think about how you would answer them.

Tip number 4. Practice. (Characters chat unintelligibly) Get friends or family to help with mock interviews as part of your preparation.

Tip number 5. Listen. Make sure that you understand the question before answering.

Tip number 6. Give us examples. Competency based interviews aim to test a variety of skills, so you'll need to answer questions specifically related to the post you have applied for. Expect questions opening with, “tell us about a time when you”. Give an example of describe how you tip.

Number 7. Tell us your selling points. Be prepared to list the reasons why you are the best candidate for this particular job.

Tip number 8. Anticipate. Every role is competitive, so you should consider if there are any reasons you might not want to hire you and how you could overcome this.

Tip number 9. Behaviour. We are looking for you to demonstrate behaviours that meet our values culture.

Tip number 10. Ask questions. Your interviewer will always ask if you have any questions. Have 1 or 2 prepared.

We really hope this animation has been helpful. Should you have any questions, contact details can be found within the job pack for the vacancy you are interested in.