Volunteer Forum - Terms of reference


NHS Golden Jubilee continues to be committed to engaging in public involvement in the life of the Hospital. 

Our Corporate Objectives (2022-2023) are focussed on the organisation being high performing, person centred and innovative, supporting sustainable recovery and transformation. 

Volunteering continues to be a focus supporting the development of NHS Golden Jubilee in the next phase of growth through continued recruitment and retention of volunteers as valued members of the organisation. 

The Volunteer Forum brings together staff and volunteers, working in partnership to advise the organisation on volunteering and the contribution that volunteers make in enhancing the patient journey. 

Role and Remit 

The role and remit of the Volunteer Forum is to: 

  • Support the development and innovation of volunteering services. 
  • Ensure all volunteers are supported and encouraged  in a positive way through active management of the Boards’ volunteering policy. 
  • Review and approve all Volunteer role descriptions (as these are developed) and monitor the overarching volunteering programme by identifying areas where volunteers may be utilised. 
  • Oversee growth in the Board’s volunteer programme in a sustainable way and commission and deliver events to promote volunteering across the Board. 
  • Establish an annual plan of work to support delivery of the Volunteer Strategy/3-year plan to ensure relevant actions for delivery are included. 
  • Ensure that there is a programme of training in place for staff, volunteer managers and volunteers that promotes volunteering across the Board. 

Accountability and Relationships 

This group is currently accountable to Staff Governance and the Staff Governance and Person Centred Committee. This group will be chaired by the Marcella Boyle, Non- Executive Board Member. In their absence, Jane Christie- Flight, Employee Director/Non-Executive Member. 


All members must organise a deputy to attend in their absence. 

  • Non-Executive Board Member (Chair) 
  • Employee Director 
  • Director of Nursing 
  • Spiritual Care Lead 
  • Volunteer Services Manager 
  • Executive Director of Workforce 
  • Human Resources Recruitment Manager 
  • Communications Manager 
  • Volunteer Representatives x 4 

Observers in attendance 

West Dunbartonshire Council for Volunteer Services (WDCVS) 

Ad-hoc attendees 

Others may be invited to meetings on an ad hoc basis to update the volunteer forum on a specific issue. 


The Volunteer Forum will be held quarterly in line with Staff Governance Group and Staff Governance and Person Centred Committee meetings. 


For a meeting to be considered quorate 7 members should be present including the Chair/depute and 2 volunteers. 


A copy of the agenda and associated papers for each meeting shall be sent out at least 1 week in advance of the meeting. 


All meeting administration will be coordinated and minutes recorded by a Corporate Administrator. Minutes and relevant papers will be stored in a central folder (Volunteers Forum) on the Board’s U/: drive 


These terms of reference will be reviewed annually, taking into account views expressed by staff, volunteers and patients and as directed by governance procedures. 

Financial implications 

The Volunteer Strategy 2023-2026 will be delivered in line with existing budgets and any additional funding for the strategy to be agreed with finance. 

Strategy Progress 

Progress for the strategy will be reported to the Staff Governance Group and Staff Governance and Person Centred Committee.
