Volunteer stories

Volunteer Experiences 

“A gentleman approached me to offer me a cup of coffee whilst on shift today as Thank you for the work I am doing. He wishes all hospitals had someone like me to welcome nervous patients and help ease their journey. A patient from theatre was waiting to get collected and said “here here”. I thanked them both very much as it’s not often we get direct feedback.” 

“While you were volunteering in The Eye Centre a member of staff came in with her parent and she praised you this morning saying how helpful and kind you were. It does not make any difference who is visiting for an appointment or procedure it can be an anxious time and you as our volunteer met the needs of both the patient and her family.” 

“I am enjoying it or I wouldn’t do it. I think the volunteers are an important part of the team, making the patients experience as good as can possible be.” 

Volunteer quotes

"I really like it here, everyone is so lovely and I think the bit I like most is chatting to the patients when I check them in. Patients can be quite worried about visiting the hospital, even if it’s just for a consultation, so it’s great to be able to put them at ease."

Kerry Scott, Welcome Guide Volunteer 

"People think it’s strange volunteering on my day off, but for me I just get so much out of it, it helps my own wellbeing helping others. I love meeting people, it somehow makes me a lot calmer and it makes me more thankful for what I have. I really enjoy it and it doesn’t feel like a chore. The people are lovely and it feels like a day out for me, I just love it."

Carolyn Boyle, Outpatient Support Volunteer 

"I’d just like to thank staff for a wonderful welcome back after the Covid-19 pandemic, which was quite emotional, I must say." 

Allan Stewart, Sensory Support Volunteer 

"Becoming a volunteer has so many benefits to both you and the people you’re helping. It’s great for your health and wellbeing as it gets you out the house, builds confidence and self-esteem and makes you feel you’re doing something important and worthwhile. I cannot recommend it more. Volunteering is a wonderful thing to do, especially if you decide to volunteer for the NHS Golden Jubilee. You would be supporting so many people that need your help in so many ways."

Isobel Gill, Volunteer 

Comments from the Stakeholder event July 2022: 

  • Volunteers expressed their desire to meet other volunteers and hear their views of different areas of volunteer service. 
  • One volunteer said “I think it is helpful for our information and for our views to be heard”. 
  • Another volunteer commented that “volunteers are valued members of the Golden Jubilee team so it’s important to attend events for volunteers to share experiences and help publicise and expand this fantastic service”. 
  • The consensus was for a mutual relationship with volunteers and staff both engaging to support the volunteer service. 
  • Volunteers expressed a wish for similar events which are meaningful for volunteers. “Sharing” rather than “education”. Learning from the experience of fellow volunteers. A relaxed environment which encourages adding and learning.