
Flexible and responsive 

The strategy will aim to reduce barriers to volunteering considering issues which may be impacting on this, such as the days/times of volunteering opportunities. We will also aim to instil a sense of feeling valued and increase the number of volunteers within the organisation. 

The Volunteer Forum ensures that all volunteers are supported and encouraged in a positive way. Volunteers are invited to attend the quarterly meeting which supports the development of volunteering services and provides progress reports to governance committees. 

Volunteers are also given the opportunity to join various Forums and Networks across NHS Golden Jubilee. 

Enabled and supported 

The strategy will ensure that the volunteer service works consistently, collectively and has robust systems in place to support safe, effective and person centred volunteering. 

We will review and increase opportunities for volunteers to move within different services to maintain their interest while increasing retention levels. 

Sociable and connected 

The strategy recognises the value of volunteers in contributing to physical health, social interaction, mental wellbeing and instrumental benefits (e.g. potential employability for those seeking employment). 

Valued and appreciated 

The strategy: 

  • highlights the role of the volunteer to enhance the experience of the patient (and families), 
  • positions volunteers as an integral part of NHS Golden Jubilee, and 
  • encourages staff to be involved in current and new role descriptors. 

We will engage in activities that will raise the profile of volunteers and the valuable work that they are doing, for example: 

  • Investing in Volunteers accreditation 
  • NHS Golden Jubilee Our People Awards 
  • NHS Golden Jubilee Long Service Awards 
  • Scottish Health Awards 
  • Volunteer Week 
  • International Day of the Volunteer 
  • Ongoing publicity publicity on the activities of volunteers including featuring volunteers in Jubilee Life and promoting their efforts through social media. 

Meaningful and purposeful 

The strategy highlights the benefits, experience and opportunities volunteering creates. 

Volunteering should be an enjoyable, rewarding and fulfilling experience for every volunteer. We will connect with the local community to make volunteering within NHS Golden Jubilee an attractive option and the potential opportunities this creates within healthcare. 

Recognises diversity 

The strategy recognises the need for continued diversity and inclusion in volunteering. 

We will continue to address inequalities allowing for opportunities for more people to volunteer, including: 

  • acknowledging the role of young people in volunteering, 
  • providing experience of working in healthcare and with the public, and 
  • participating in award schemes in partnership with schools. 

