Our evidence-base

NHS Golden Jubilee have deployed a range of research methodologies during the development of this strategy in order to identify and capture a series of outcomes that reflect the diverse needs of our service users and workforce. Specifically, the following approaches were adopted during the development of this strategy: 

Stakeholder engagement

A series of networking and engagement events throughout 2020 comprising workshops, focus groups and interviews targeted at the following people:

  • Internal engagement across all organisational tiers and governance structures including the Equalities Group; Involving People Group; Volunteer Forum; Board workshop; Valuing Diversity training sessions and open dialogue with existing staff networks.
  • External engagement across a variety of sectors including NHS Scotland National Equality and Diversity Leads Network; Stonewall Scotland; GCIL Equality Academy; Visibility Scotland and Alzheimer’s Scotland.

Literature review

A comprehensive review of research and evidence to ascertain the current trends and enable the development of meaningful outcomes to reflect these including:

  • Internal data: A review of organisational workforce equalities monitoring data between 2016 and 2020 to collate past and current trends. This in turn allows for the creation of meaningful outcomes to increase representation and reduce inequalities among staff who share a Protected Characteristic.
  • External data: A review of contemporary best practice trends focusing on the diversity and inclusion agenda from a local, national, and international perspective. The principal resource for this data stems from the D&I Leaders Community of Practice online resource; Scottish Government publications and data from third sector ‘values based’ organisations spanning the nine Protected Characteristics and Fairer Scotland Duty.