
Over the period under review the Recruitment Team has been busy, with the response to Phase 2 of the hospital expansion, as well as other recruitment activity across NHS GJ. We have advertised 1107.53 WTE posts, of which 764.73 have been recruited to. This includes candidates who are still going through pre-employment checks, or who have agreed a start date. Withdrawn posts, withdrawn offers and candidates who have withdrawn are not included. 

At the end of the period under review: 

  • 48 (headcount posts were going through the recruitment approval process; 
  • 16 live adverts or 16.73 WTE posts; 
  • 27 posts closed and awaiting shortlisting for 35.95 WTE; 
  • 30 posts awaiting interview for 31.51 WTE; 
  • 10 posts interviewed and awaiting the uploading of notes for 11.48 WTE; 
  • 120 candidates at conditional offer stage for 111.53 WTE; 
  • candidates with checks completed and awaiting start dates for 6.00 WTE; and 
  • 44 candidates with start date agreed for 40.43 WTE. 

International Recruitment 

As part of a national initiative, we are participating in an international recruitment drive for registered nurses. At the end of the period under review, we were experiencing some challenges with the supply pipeline from our current supplier and expected to receive fewer candidates for our next intake cohort. This is disappointing, and we have taken a number of steps to mitigate this. In order to fully use the places for our OSCE programme we are looking to use those places for current members of staff who have joined NHS GJ from overseas and had a previous nursing qualification but were unable to obtain support to achieve the translation to UK NMC. The nursing team has already identified some potentially suitable staff and we are working through the NMC requirements to ensure that this programme will be viable. We have confirmation that we will be able to continue to use the Scottish Government funding for the costs associated with this training (exam costs, travel, NMC registration and so on). 

We have also requested NHS Professionals begin to search for theatre staff. Preliminary discussions have taken place. They are confident that they will be able to support our programme, although they will not be able to deliver suitable nurses in time for the June cohort intake. 

New Starters 

The Directorate split of the 403 new starters is shown in the chart below: 

Starters by Directorate (Headcount)

The breakdown of starters by job family is shown in the following chart: 

Starters by Job Family (Headcount)

It should not be a surprise that the job family with by far the largest number of new starts in the monitored period was Nursing and Midwifery. It accounted for 42.7% of new starters.