Employee turnover

Turnover is calculated using the following formula: 

Turnover = Headcount number of leavers between 01.04.21 and 31.03.22 over (((Headcount staff in post 01.04.21 – headcount staff in post 31.03.22)/2)*100) 

Turnover Rate 

For the year under review the turnover rate was 13.0%1, an increase of 1.6% on the previous year, as can be seen below. The ongoing trend since April 2011 has been for an increase in employee turnover. This turnover is less than the National Boards taken together (16.1% for 01.04.22 to 31.03.23, which is 5.2% higher than it was the previous year), but higher than the overall NHS Scotland turnover (9.4% at 31 March 2023, up from 8.1% in 2021/2022). It may be the case that turnover was lower during 2020/2021 due to the initial waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, and staff were less willing to leave the security of their posts, but took that opportunity in 2021/2022 and 2022/2023. 

Turnover Rate Each Year (top chart) and Annual Turnover Rates (bottom chart)


In 2022/2023 a total of 329 people left posts within NHS GJ. The breakdown of proportion of leavers by job family is shown in the chart below: 

Proportion of Leavers by Job Family 2022/2023

Reasons for Leaving 

When a member of staff leaves NHS GJ’s employment the reason for leaving is entered onto eESS, the HR system, if that member of staff provides a reason for leaving. The chart below highlights reasons for leaving recorded for those who left NHS GJ’s employment between April 2022 and March 2023. It shows the reasons for leaving as a percentage of the total number of leavers. The most common reason for leaving was because the person had gained new employment with another Board within NHS Scotland. This represents 38.0% of leavers (up 3.9% on the previous year).

“Other reasons” includes “”Dismissal”, “Voluntary resignation – promotion”, “Death in service” and “Retirement – Other”. They are not identified individually, as the number of leavers was too low to do so. 

Reasons For Leaving