Diversity and inclusion

NHS GJ is committed to supporting dignity at work by creating an inclusive working environment. The Embracing Equality Diversity and Human Rights Policy places equality, diversity and human rights at the heart of everything NHS GJ does. Our Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2021-25 forms an integral part of NHS GJ’s aim to promote the health and wellbeing of staff, patients and volunteers. As such, there are a number of crossovers and interdependencies spanning across existing and future outcomes, including the Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2023, the Involving People Strategy (available on request) and the Volunteer Strategy. We have set up a Diversity and Inclusion Group to take forward our plans under the nine protected characteristics and the Fairer Scotland Duty (FSD), with each characteristic headed by an Executive Director. 

The information covered in this section is based on self-reporting by NHS GJ’s staff, and is collected at the point of engagement via the Staff Engagement Form. Members of staff can also update their equalities details at any time using eESS. 

This section covers the protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010 (the Act): 

  • sex; 
  • age; 
  • race; 
  • religion and belief; 
  • disability; 
  • sexual orientation; 
  • marriage and civil partnership; 
  • gender reassignment; and 
  • pregnancy and maternity. 

The FSD also outlines socio-economic status. 

It should be noted that in considering information relating to equality and diversity some numbers are so low that reporting them might enable identification of those employees included in those numbers. Therefore, in some instances in the information shown below, where numbers of employees in a group are five or fewer, those numbers may be aggregated under a group such as “Other”.