Outcome A3

  • Reduce Protected Characteristic pay gaps resulting from diversity imbalance across NHS pay bands. 
  • Address the inequality of access to digital/online resources, providing equity of access to learning opportunities regardless of circumstance. 

Workforce monitoring statistics and reporting 

The 2022 Workforce monitoring report now features year-on-year tracking of recruitment and turnover for the 4 key Protected Characteristics of Sex, Race, Disability and Sexual Orientation. 

The Diversity and Inclusion team also consulted on a different analysis for backdated 2020 and 2021 gender pay gap reporting. 

To support this work, the Diversity and Inclusion team have been working with the office of the Chief Statistician of the Scottish Government and national Equality and Diversity Leads Network to advise on an updated question set for the Human Resources data system, eESS. 

Digital inequality and access to online learning 

The rapid shift towards virtual learning has introduced a number of inequalities for staff, particularly with respect to certain roles and pay bands across the organisation. 

Throughout 2021 we worked closely with our Learning and Organisational Development team, eHealth and affected teams to identify barriers to access and implement solutions to mitigate these where practicably possible. 

A total of 23 laptops and 18 iPads were bought and distributed across the organisation to ensure that every staff member has an equal opportunity to participate in virtual training and professional development programmes. 

