Equality Outcomes A:
Diversify Talent
The outcomes associated with Theme A, Diversify Talent, are strategically targeted towards rebalancing the demographics of the workforce to establish a more even representation of people with Protected Characteristics.
In order to achieve this, we have focused on a number of key deliverables, taking a holistic approach encompassing all areas of the organisation to build strong foundations for change.
The 9 deliverables associated with Theme A are listed below, with an in-depth overview provided under each itemised section, spanning outcomes A1 to A4.
Theme A: Deliverables
- Establishment of Executive Leads for Protected Characteristics
- Revised Diversity and Inclusion governance
- Revised Diversity and Inclusion web pages
- Establishment of additional professional memberships
- Adopter of the NHS Scotland Pride badge
- Equality audits of NHS GJ policies
- Enhanced workforce monitoring statistics and reporting
- Reduction of digital inequalities and access to online learning
- Establishment of staff diversity networks