Equality Outcomes C:
Inclusive Service Design 

Our equality outcomes associated with Theme C, Service Design excellence, are primarily targeted at enhancing the inclusivity and accessibility of our services to create an exemplar delivery model focused on person centred care. 

We are achieving this through strengthened governance of our Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) process to reduce health inequalities and ensure that the needs of everyone represented by a Protected Characteristic are taken into account at the conceptual stage of service improvement proposals. 

Our new EQIA template and associated eLearning module provide the foundations, with further exciting developments planned in the following 2 years to further embed cultural change within the organisation. 

In addition, we continue to engage with external stakeholders to introduce technological advances to increase the accessibility and inclusivity of our services to promote independence and wellbeing in line with the principles of the social model of disability. 

The 6 deliverables associated with Theme C are listed below with an in-depth overview provided under each itemised section, specifically focusing on outcome C3 for this reporting period. 

Theme C: Deliverables 

  • Introduction of new EQIA template 
  • Launch of bespoke EQIA eLearning module 
  • Development of strengthened EQIA governance 
  • Pilot study of WelcoMe app 
  • Inclusive wayfinding strategy for Phase 2 expansion 
  • Awards and conference presentations 

