Environmental stewardship

Environmental stewardship means acting as a steward, or caretaker, of the environment and taking responsibility for the actions which affect our shared environmental quality.

This includes any activities which may adversely impact on land, air and water, either through the unsustainable use of resources or the generation of waste and pollution.

Having an Environmental Management System (EMS) in place provides a framework that helps to achieve our
environmental goals through consistent review, evaluation, and improvement of our environmental performance.

What steps did we take in 2023/2024 to develop and implement our EMS?

Without dedicated resource, the development and implement of a system was on hold.

What steps will we take in 2024/2025 to further develop and implement our EMS?

We have recruited a dedicated Manager for environmental stewardship and sustainability to help implement measures and manage our reporting and performance towards the 2040 target. Development and implementation of an EMS will progress throughout 2024/2025.

What did we do in 2023/2024 to reduce our environmental impacts and improve environmental performance?

Without dedicated resource, the development and implement of a system was on hold.

What are we doing in 2024/2025 to reduce our environmental impacts improve environmental performance?

A legal aspects and impacts register of the Environmental Management System will be progressed
during 2024/2025 through workshops involving key staff from Facilities, Health and Safety, and Procurement.

What factors have prevented implementation of EMS to ISO14001 Standard for any sites in NHS Golden Jubilee estate which have not yet reached that standard?

Dedicated resource availability has prevented the implementation of an Environmental
Management System (EMS). However, we will progress the development and implementation of
the system in 2024/2025.