Travel and transport

Domestic transport (not including international aviation and shipping) produced 28.3% of Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2022. Car travel is the type of travel which contributes the most to those emissions.

NHSScotland is supporting a shift to a healthier and more sustainable transport system where active travel and public transport are prioritised.

Our Sustainable Travel and Transport Group reports to our Climate Change and Sustainability Strategic Group.

The Travel and Transport Sub Group purpose is to support a realistic shift in staff, patient and visitor travel behaviour away from single occupancy car travel to sustainable travel and alternatives such as walking or cycling.

The objectives of the group are to:

  • Maximise the proportion of walking, cycling and public transport trips to and from the site.
  • Increase awareness of the sustainable travel options available to both staff and visitors and emphasise their health and wellbeing benefits.
  • Reduce reliance on the private care as a means of accessing the site.
  • Reduce the number of single occupancy car trips to our site by 5%.

The purpose of the group is to:

  • Provide coordination and leadership, ensuring cycling is promoted and appropriate infrastructure and resources are made available.
  • Create an action plan and coordinate actions though existing groups/committees where appropriate to ensure delivery.
  • Initiatives will be considered and coordinated through this group in a strategic and structured way, including but not limited to:
  • Continuing to develop staff benefits for accessing public transport including season ticket loans.
  • Working with West Dunbartonshire Council to progress sustainable access plan including improved routes to and from the site for rail and bus transport.
  • Developing a plan and milestones for carbon neutral patient transport and other fleet vehicles.
  • Developing a site masterplan proposal for electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
  • Reintroducing and promoting the ‘Liftshare’ car sharing scheme.

What did we do in 2023/2024 to reduce the need to travel?

We continued to reduce the need to travel by making use of MS Teams for meetings and hybrid working for appropriate staff groups.

Procurement continued to consolidate deliveries to reduce supplier travel requirements.

What did we do in 2023/2024 to improve active travel?

  • We continue to promote our cycle to work scheme to support active travel and encourage se of our cycle storage facilities.
  • Held Dr Bike sessions.

What did we do in 2023/2024 to improve public and community transport links to NHS sites and services?

  • We continue to work with West Dunbartonshire Council in the first stage of a Sustainable Access Appraisal (SAA) outcome with a view to introducing:
  • New pedestrian footpath link to Caledonia Street.
  • Improved wayfinding from Dalmuir Train Station.
  • Upgraded bus stop infrastructure on Dumbarton Road.

What are we going to do in 2024/2025 to reduce the need to travel?

  • Review options to launch the new and improved Liftshare app to improve car sharing opportunities.
  • Continue to promote cycle to work and travel card schemes.
  • Continue to promote MS Teams for meetings where applicable and restrict business travel unless essential.
  • Continue to encourage staff to follow the transport hierarchy published by Scottish Government (procurement).  Review and update our Travel and Transport Policies to prioritise the use of sustainable options.

What are we going to do in 2024/2025 to improve active travel?

  • Re-apply for Cycling Scotland Employer Friendly Award.
  • • Arrange further Dr Bike sessions.
  • • Support work of our Health and Wellbeing Group.
  • Work closely with Strathclyde Partnership for Transport, First Bus and ScotRail to engage with our staff to promote more sustainable ways to travel.

What are we going to do in 2024/2025 to improve public and community transport links to NHS sites and services?

  • Our fleet provides transport for patients attending from other NHS Boards from across Scotland. We will review the options available for renewable powered vehicles that are suitable for providing patient transport and operating over significant distances.
  • We are working to remove all petrol and diesel fuelled cars from our fleet.

Working in partnership with West Dunbartonshire Council

A key ambition of the Long Term Plan is to better connect the NHS Golden Jubilee to the heart of the town centre.

The proposals identify both an active travel route along the tow path of the canal and a clearly signposted route along Dumbarton Road. In both cases, as with the proposed town centre ‘trails’, existing streets and paths make up the entirety of the routes, with no requirement (apart from at key wayfinding locations) to change surface finishes or introduce new sections).

  • Agamemnon Street Improvements
  • New vinyl signage banners to existing lamp posts (3 number.);
  • New wayfinding Totem signs (2 number.); and
  • New painted cycle lane (220 linear metres approx.)

Boquhanran Road Improvements

  • New thermoplastic decorative paint finish to be applied to surface of access route, ramp and risers of stairs leading to canal towpath (approx. 400 sqm area).

Canal Towpath Interventions

  • New wayfinding points. • Bonded resin path insert (2m x 2m) directional totem, coordinated bench and cycle stand at each location (5no, i.e. 1 per 200m).

Dumbarton Road Interventions

  • New vinyl signage banners to every other existing lamppost on 1 side of the road only (10no.). The following table sets out how many renewable powered and fossil fuel vehicles were in NHS Golden Jubilee fleet at the end of March 2023 and March 2024:

Total vehicles

(March 2023)

% Zero tailpipe emissions vehicles

(March 2023)

Total vehicles 

(March 2024)

% Zero tailpipe emissions vehicles 

(March 2024)

Difference in % zero tailpipe emissions vehicles
Cars 0 0 0 0 0%
Light commercial vehicles 3 0 4 0 0%
Heavy vehicles 0 0 0 0 0%
Specialist vehicles 0 0 0 0 0%











Table 11

The following table sets out how many bicycles and eBikes were in NHS Golden Jubilee’s fleet at
the end of March 2023 and March 2024:

  March 2023 March 2024 Percentage change
Bicycles 0 0 0%
eBikes 0 0 0%




Table 12

We provide a cycle to work scheme which is a Government approved salary initiative, allowing
employees to hire a bike and accessories up to the value of £4,000. This hire is free from tax and
national insurance contributions. We currently have 25 active cycle to work scheme members.

The following table sets out the distance travelled by our cars, vans and heavy vehicles in

Distance Travelled, kms Cars Light commercial vehicles Heav vehicles Specialist vehicles Total
2023/24 0 193,600.00 0 0 193,600.00




Table 13

Business travel is staff travelling as part of their work in either their own vehicles or public transport.
It covers travel costs which are reimbursable and doesn’t cover commuting to and from work.
The table below shows our emissions from business travel by transport type.

Business travel emissions, tCOSe Cars Public transport Flights  Total
2023/24 16.08 57.46 47.79 121.33




Table 14