Annual Feedback Report

NHS Golden Jubilee aims to become a net-zero organisation by 2040 for the sources of greenhouse gas emissions set out in the table below.

The table below sets out the amount of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions produced annually by NHS Golden Jubilee.


Source 2022/23 emissions (tCO2e) 2023/24 emissions (tCO2e) Percentage change – 2022/23 to 2023/24 2023/24 – target emissions Percentage difference between actual and target emissions – 2023/24
Building energy 6882.08 7859.75 +14.21%    
Non-medical F-gas 240.37 0 -100%    
Medical gases 152.38 188.78 +23.89%    
Metered dose inhaler propellant 42.07 38.50 -8.50% No targets have been set by NHS Golden Jubilee for the period 2023/24 due to the focus on emissions measurement and establishing accurate baseline. No targets have been set by NHS Golden Jubilee for the period 2023/24 due to the focus on emissions measurement and establishing accurate baseline.
NHS fleet travel 50.74 40.38 -20.42%    
Waste 178.40 186.31 +4.43%    
Water 28.27 27.59 -2.41%    
Business travel 50.00 73.54 +47.08%    
Total emissions 7,624.31 8,414.85 +10.37%    
Carbon sequestration Not available Not available Not available    
Greenhouse gas emissions minus carbon sequestration 7,624.31 8,414.85 +10.37%    


Table 1: For 2023/24, NHS Golden Jubilee has not set target reductions due to it’s focus on data accuracy for current and baseline years

In summary reference to table 1:

  • Building energy emissions increase is due to decarbonisation of the grid slowing over the past year and the increase in gas consumption due to a colder period over the reporting year compared to the year before.
  • Non-medical F-gas saw a 100% reduction. Plant replacement has been ongoing but we expect this figure to increase within the next reporting year.
  • Medical gas increase is mainly due to commissioning of the new surgical centre. • Meter dose inhaler propellant saw a small reduction which is down to the good work our pharmacy team is doing encouraging patients to bring their own primary care inhalers.
  • NHS fleet travel saw a reduction and will be reflected in decision making in vehicle hire/lease renewals.
  • The increase in business travel is due to the capture of further travel modes such as rail, taxi and flights.
  • Carbon sequestration is an area of focus for 2024/2025. The table below sets out how much of key resources we used over the last 2 years.
Source 2022/23 Use 2023/24 Use Percentage change – 2022/23 to 2023/24
Building energy (kWh) 35,381,920.00 39,448,461.00 +11.49%
NHS fleet travel (km travelled) 289,681.92 193,600.00 -33.17%
Waste (tonnes) 813.00 887.00 +9.10%
Water (cubic metres) 100,788.00 98,349.00 -2.42%
Business travel (km travelled) Not available 378,974.00 Not available


Table 2

In summary reference to table 2:

In addition to the narrative for table 1:

  • Waste saw a reflective increase due to increased activity on site including patient procedures.
  • Water saw a small reduction which is within expected parameters.