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Climate Emergency and Sustainability Annual Report

This is NHS Golden Jubilee’s Climate Emergency and Sustainability Annual Report for 2023/2024. 

A national organisation, independently run by its own NHS Board, NHS Golden Jubilee (NHS GJ) delivers care through collaboration. 

NHS Golden Jubilee has a national portfolio and is home to the Golden Jubilee University National Hospital, NHS Scotland Academy, Centre for Sustainable Delivery, Golden Jubilee Research Institute and the Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel. 

NHS Golden Jubilee consists of 1 site located in Clydebank with all buildings interlinked covering a total gross internal area of 61,864.45m2. The site also benefits from 4.84 hectares of well-established greenspace with a total site boundary area of 12.97 hectares. 

The Golden Jubilee University National Hospital is home to major centres for orthopaedics, ophthalmology, diagnostic imaging and general surgery, and also provides specialist regional and national heart and lung services. 

These major centres delivered 82,870 procedures in the reporting year utilising the workforce of 2,500 staff with an equivalent 2,271 whole time equivalent (WTE). 

The national Centre for Sustainable Delivery has been commissioned to lead the National Green Theatres Programme – a key element of the Scottish Government’s Climate Emergency and Sustainability Strategy 2022-2026. 

Theatres are high carbon and energy intensive areas that produce high volumes of waste. NHS Scotland will benefit greatly from reducing the environmental impact of theatres. 

By introducing achievable actions we will: 

  • Save costs or become cost neutral. 
  • Improve patient experience. 
  • Improve staff experience. 

NHS Golden Jubilee continues to grow from its inception and will continue to develop new ways to deliver services to benefit the NHS in Scotland, as well as acting as an anchor institution by developing long term sustainable ties to the wellbeing of the local and national populations we serve.

Click the link to read our Climate Emergency and Sustainability Annual Report online or download an accessible PDF.

Climate Amergency and Sustainability Annual Report 2023/24

More information

For further information on NHS Golden Jubilee's publications, please contact the Communications Department.
