Reasonable Adjustment and Acess to Work Processes

Reasonable Adjustment Process 

  • Member of staff has an issue whereby they may need a reasonable adjustment put in place.
  • Discussion with line manager should take place initially to discuss issues and possible solutions.
  • OH Request made by employee with support of manager, highlighting issue and discussion that has taken place with employee, if appropriate.
  • OH Report back to HR/Line Manager with recommendations.
  • Line manager to liaise with HR (and other relevant groups, depending on the recommendations) discuss how best to proceed with adjustments.
  • Appropriate team will assist with purchase and or implementation of the agreed reasonable adjustment. The implementation of any adjustments may involve the inclusion of third parties or contractors, which can take additional time depending on the request.
  • The HR and managers will record all reasonable adjustments that have been implemented.
  • When the adjustment is in place it is the line managers responsibility to monitor whether the adjustment is working or not and liaise with the appropriate contact in HR or the H&S team, especially when asked for progress updates.

If the help you need at work is not covered by your employer making reasonable adjustments, you may be able to get help from Access to Work

Access to Work Process

  • Member of staff has an issue whereby they may need assistance from Access to Work. The member of staff should discuss this with their line manager to inform them that they will be applying to Access to Work.
  • Member of staff is required to apply to Access to Work directly. They can be assisted by another staff member if necessary.
  • Access to Work will conduct a Workplace Assessment. This can be in person if appropriate, or over the telephone. The assessor will discuss the employee’s needs relative to their work.
  • Member of staff receives Access to Work report with recommendations and costs. Member of staff should discuss this report and recommendations with their line manager.
  • Line manager should discuss Access to Work recommendations with Directorate HR representative and depending on recommendations, the team who will be responsible for procuring or implementation the recommendations. It will then be decided if these can be implemented by organisation.
  • Appropriate team will assist with purchase and or implementation of the Access to Work recommendations. Health Scotland will pay for all adjustments initially then claim back the agreed percentage from Access to Work. The implementation of any adjustments may involve the inclusion of third parties or contractors, which can take additional time depending on the request. This can sometimes take several weeks/months to fully implement.
  • Member of staff will continue to work with team implementing the recommendations to ensure they are fit for purpose and working.
  • If there are any issues with the Access to Work recommendations the member of staff applying is responsible for going back to Access to Work in order to rectify these.
  • Once complete the Health, Safety and Facilities Team will complete the paperwork in order to be reimbursed for the percentage of the costs Access to Work agreed to pay.