New Theatre Model Could Help Reduce Waiting Times and Costs for NHS Scotland

Orthopaedic specialists at NHS Golden Jubilee have developed a ground breaking new model for joint replacement surgeries using only 1 consultant in a 2-theatre setup, with the potential to reduce waiting times and costs for the NHS in Scotland.
This innovative new system, which was recently trialled in theatres at the Golden Jubilee University National Hospital in Clydebank.
Working across 2 theatres, this process significantly reduces the amount of downtime, staff required and cost to the NHS, allowing patients to be prepped in a second theatre while the first operation is still underway.
Orthopaedic Consultant, Herv Vidakovic, who carried out the first multi-theatre list at NHS Golden Jubilee, said: “I have had significant experience running a very similar, very successful, high-volume, dual theatre model in New Zealand before moving to Scotland.
“In the trial, both lists were very carefully planned out to ensure only patients who were safe and appropriate for this model were involved, with timings calculated precisely to ensure I was present from start to finish in all cases.
“The biggest benefit of this model is that there is very little downtime for the surgeon, maximising efficiency and increasing time spent treating patients.”
The multi-theatre method runs using fewer consultants and no additional theatre staff than would be needed for a traditional list. This not only means reduced costs for NHS Scotland, but also helps support waiting lists in incidents of staff absence or leave, as a single consultant could cover 2 lists in the same day.
This model also allows for high volume hands on experience for trainee orthopaedic surgeons, who took the lead in half of the cases, under the supervision of senior consultants to ensure patient safety.
Christopher Gee, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Associate Medical Director for National Elective Services at NHS Golden Jubilee said: “The model we are adopting is similar to high intensity lists which have been used in other countries, but have looked at things a bit differently to allow for high volume training and in a more cost effective way.
“While at the moment this isn’t something we could do on a daily basis, this trial has shown that we have the team and skills required to maximise theatre utilisation in a way that is cost effective, continues to support the training of tomorrow’s surgeons.
The Orthopaedic Department at NHS Golden Jubilee currently performs approximately 30% of hip and knee replacements in Scotland, with a track record in pioneering techniques in enhanced recovery and robotic surgery*.