April 08, 2019


(L-R) Brenda Proud, Lainey MacKenzie and Bernie Thomson from the Occupational Health team

The Golden Jubilee has retained the Healthy Working Lives Gold Award for the eighth successive year.

The Award recognises organisations which prioritise workforce health by helping staff lead healthier lives, reduce work-related ill health and absence rates and contribute to the health of the wider community.

Having first achieved the Gold award in 2011, it is maintained by annual self-assessment involving all the departments within the Golden Jubilee to participate in activities as well as evidence employee support to meet the required criteria.

The Occupational Health Department provides a confidential service offering advice on the physical, mental and social wellbeing of all staff, including pre-employment screening, immunisations, health surveillance, self and management referrals.

They also provide access to smoking cessation literature, physiotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which is delivered by an external provider.

Their annual health promotion calendar raises awareness of key topics from fitness and mental health awareness to cancer and stress awareness through posters and leaflets and group training.

Over the past few years we have offered employees a mini MOT which includes blood pressure recording and blood tests to measure cholesterol and glucose levels, resulting in some employees being referred to their GP for follow-up and early intervention treatment.

Occupational Health Nurse Brenda Proud said: "It is fantastic to once again be recognised for all the hard work and effort which goes into ensuring we have a healthy workforce who are fit to care for our patients.

“This requires a huge effort and commitment from across the organisation. We are delighted that so many staff engage with healthy messages and activities, which both they and patients benefit from.”

Nurse Director Anne Marie Cavanagh added: "As an NHS employer we have a responsibility to our staff as well as our patients and that means creating and maintaining a healthy working environment, as well as promoting the benefits of a healthy lifestyle to our employees.

“Our Occupational Health department provide an extremely valuable service for our staff and I am delighted this has been recognised once again by Healthy Working Lives.”