Health Secretary visits new Golden Jubilee Eye Centre

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(L-R) Golden Jubilee Operations Manager Claire MacArthur, Chief Executive Jann Gardner, Health Secretary Jeane Freeman, Chair Susan Douglas-Scott and Programme Director John Scott 


Health Secretary Jeane Freeman visited the site of the new Golden Jubilee Eye Centre today (Monday 26 August 2019) to see how the building is taking shape.

Part of the Scottish Elective Centres’ Programme, the development represents the first phase of NHS Golden Jubilee’s expansion plans and will be open to patients in Summer 2020.

Currently under construction by principal supply chain partner Kier, it will have six theatres and an integrated outpatient department, and have the capacity to carry out up to 21,000 cataract procedures per year – helping the future demand across Scotland.

The facility will harness the Golden Jubilee ophthalmic model of care which has already allowed the National Hospital to treat more patients and provide an excellent quality of service and patient experience.

This model for cataract surgery has involved new ways of working, focusing on a team approach. Optometrists see new outpatients in clinic and nurses have been upskilled to take on additional responsibilities – freeing up consultants to spend more time in theatre. Consultants are also now working across two theatres which allows them to increase the number of patients receiving surgery. More importantly, patient feedback on the service is excellent.

Jann Gardner, Chief Executive of NHS Golden Jubilee, commented: “We were delighted to welcome Health Secretary Jeane Freeman to the Golden Jubilee Eye Centre construction site to show how the building is taking shape.

“At a time where we need to meet the needs of a growing and increasingly elderly population, by combining our new facility with our evidenced improved patient experience, we will be able to provide sustainable services in this high demand specialty. 

“This means even more patients will be treated faster, providing an improved quality of life for thousands of people every year.”

The Health Secretary also heard about accelerated plans to significantly increase capacity in orthopaedic, general surgery and diagnostic endoscopy procedures.

This second phase of expansion is due for completion at the end of 2021.It will create five additional laminar flow orthopaedic theatres, three endoscopy rooms, two general theatres, a surgical admission and discharge unit and a central sterilisation department.

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said: “The Golden Jubilee Eye Centre forms part of one of the elective and diagnostic centres that are being established across Scotland. This network will allow people to be treated more quickly for planned surgery, taking pressure off the other parts of the system that deal with unplanned and emergency treatment. This fantastic new facility will make a real difference to patients across Scotland when it opens next year.

“We have been clear that any patient waiting too long for treatment is unacceptable – and we have taken action to address this, including publishing our Waiting Times Improvement Plan. Backed by investment of £850 million, this will substantially and sustainably improve waiting times by Spring 2021.”