As part of Volunteer Week 2017, the Golden Jubilee is celebrating retaining its Investing in Volunteers (IiV) status – the national quality standard awarded to organisations who show a commitment to involving volunteers in their work.
The Golden Jubilee was one of the first NHS organisations in Scotland to achieve the IiV accreditation in 2009 and has been leading the way in volunteering for 13 years.
Today, they are one of the first organisations to be accredited for a third time after impressing assessors with how volunteering is embedded into their culture.
Their group of 72 volunteers, aged from 16 to 75, provide support to patients in a number of different ways, including Spiritual Care, Hearing Enablement, Meet and Greet, Patient Peer Support, Quality Walk Rounds, and Housekeeping Audits.
Safia Qureshi, Director of Quality, Innovation, and People at the Golden Jubilee, said: "It is a huge honour to have received Investing in Volunteers accreditation for a third time.
"This would not have been possible without the commitment shown by our volunteers, each of whom plays an important part in allowing us to deliver the best possible service for our patients.
"Whether they are helping shape services, supporting patients with special needs, providing social interaction or spiritual care, our dedicated volunteers make a major contribution at a time when patients are at their most vulnerable.
"Everyone at the Golden Jubilee is looking forward to continuing our commitment to building on the high standards we have already set."
The Volunteer programme is a key element of the Golden Jubilee's vision of leading quality, research and innovation, with their dedicated volunteers helping provide high quality, safe, effective and person centred services.
George Thomson, Chief Executive Officer of Volunteer Scotland commented: "Achieving and retaining IiV is the very best indicator we have of those organisations that not only involve volunteers but truly value, support and recognise all of their contributions, and in so doing provide terrific experiences. Congratulations yet again to the Golden Jubilee for achieving the Investing in Volunteers Award and good luck for the next three years."