Staff from across NHS Golden Jubilee were celebrated at the 2022/2023 Our People Awards.
Each year, these awards provide a chance to recognise the hard work, dedication, care and attention given by staff members, teams and volunteers.
The ceremony, which was held in person for the first time in 3 years, opened with a message from Chief Executive of NHS Scotland, Caroline Lamb, in which she recognised the incredible part NHS Golden Jubilee has played in supporting NHS Boards and patients from across the country.
This year there were over 90 nominations received across 11 categories highlighting where colleagues went above and beyond what is expected of them during a time where there is great pressure on the NHS.
NHS Golden Jubilee Chief Executive, Gordon James, said: “Our organisation has an exceptional reputation for high quality patient care, and that is all down to our fantastic staff.
“The nominations received from patients, carers and colleagues show just some examples of the dedication and values based practice carried out at NHS Golden Jubilee every day.
“The selfless way they all provide not only high quality care, but a better quality of life for patients is exemplary and I am so proud to be celebrating with them all today.
“Congratulations and thank you to you all!”
As part of the ceremony, Chief Executive Excellence Awards were presented to 2 teams who have achieved outstanding work in delivering a service or project to NHS Golden Jubilee.
The first of these awards was presented to the innovative team responsible for NHS Golden Jubilee becoming the first NHS hospital in Scotland to receive the Royal College of Physician’s Joint Advisory Group (JAG) on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
This team achieved the internationally recognised accreditation as a result of proving the Endoscopy Service at NHS Golden Jubilee underpins all aspects of a high-quality service, including, clinical quality, safety, patient experience, the environment and the workforce.
The second Chief Executive Excellence Award was presented to the Scottish National Radiology Reporting Service for providing faster access to radiology results for patients whilst also saving the NHS money.
The ground-breaking service has been supporting Health Board across the country by reporting on over 200,000 exams for patients and saving more than £1.5 million over the last 18 months.
With the help of the service, NHS Boards can now determine the right course of treatment for patients quickly, which can lead to significantly improved outcomes.
The ceremony concluded with 2 teams and 1 member of staff being awarded with surprise Special Recognition Awards.
The Orthopaedic department, Ward 3 East and Clinical Educator, Margaret Hart were all awarded for their incredible contribution to improving the lives of patients and supporting their colleagues.
Chair of the Board at NHS Golden Jubilee, Susan Douglas-Scott said: "I am so delighted to be able to celebrate with the incredible staff at NHS Golden Jubilee in person today.
"These last few years have been extremely challenging for us all and despite this everyone has pulled together and continued to provide excellent services. Recognising this is so important and coming together in person with our staff showcasing all they do is a great joy.
“Each and every one of our nominees, finalists and winners truly lives our values of providing patients, their families, hotel customers and each other with dignity, respect, and person centred care and support.
“Thank you to all of Team Jubilee for everything you do you for the people of Scotland.”