June 01, 2018


I’d like start my first blog by expressing my thanks to Stewart MacKinnon for his hard work over the last couple of years as Interim Chair and indeed for all his efforts throughout his entire time serving on the Golden Jubilee Board.

Everyone at the Golden Jubilee wishes Stewart well in his future endeavours.

It’s been a whirlwind few weeks since I was appointed Board Chair on 4th April and I’m delighted to have been given the opportunity to represent an organisation which prides itself on being at the forefront of innovation, quality of care, diversity and delivering truly person centred services.

I look forward to working with all colleagues both here in Clydebank and across the NHS to ensure we continue to deliver a quality service for patients across Scotland and beyond.                  

Valuing each other for each of our unique contributions towards that goal is very important to me.  I am enjoying meeting and speaking with many GJF colleagues from all different aspects of service and have been delighted to hear about all the amazing work across all aspects of the Golden Jubilee.  I truly feel inspired by your achievements and especially by everyone’s enthusiasm.

Just in case you are wondering what I’ve done in the past and how I got here, here’s a brief résumé!  Since 2010 I’ve followed a diverse career as a freelance consultant in equalities, health, disability and social care, been a non-executive director on the board of NHS Education for Scotland and I also am honoured to celebrate life and love with many people in my capacity as a Humanist Celebrant.  

I even owned a bookshop and café for five years and cannot recommend that as a career option! 

Everything else I love and have loved doing so I consider myself lucky. 

I began my career in 1981 as an orthopaedic occupational therapist with Greater Glasgow Health Board as it was then. 

In 1983 I moved to disability services in local authorities.  In 1998 I moved into leadership roles in non-government organisations in the field of disability and health, latterly as the Chief Executive of the Health and Social Care Alliance. 

Over the years I have also served on many boards of third sector organisations learning my skills as a non-executive and contributing to their strategy and development.

I’m committed to being a role model as a woman, as a disabled person and as a lesbian and aim to contribute positively to organisational culture.

I strongly believe that where there is a positive and supportive people centred culture, everyone can flourish and therefore does better.  If individuals do well, teams do well, if our teams do well our services can continue to deliver excellence.

In my first blog I’d like to highlight one upcoming event which I hope you can all support.

Volunteers Week runs from June 1 to June 7 and events take place all over the country.

Here at the Golden Jubilee National we’re backing Volunteers Week and we’ll have a number of events going on.

Some of our volunteers will be visiting and speaking about the richly rewarding work they do and for us it’s a chance to say ‘thank you’ for the fantastic contribution they make.

Finally, I’d like to thank everyone who has made me feel so welcome since my appointment and my promise to all of you is that I will do my very best representing the Golden Jubilee during my appointment.