Diversity and Inclusion Governance

The Diversity and Inclusion Group is the Board's forum for discussing and working towards equality, diversity and inclusion. 

In 2021, the group was renamed from the Equalities Group to the Diversity asnd Inclusion group, with revised terms of reference and governance structure. The D&I Group sits beneath the Staff Governance Group.

In order to establish a more holistic approach to embedding the D&I agenda across the organisation the group has membership across all divisions/departments to actively engage and foster ownership of the Boards set of Equality Outcomes.   

Staff satellite network representation at D&I Group meetings to capture key discussion points with the intention to deliver proactive and considered outcomes to reduce inequality within the workforce. 

The group has also sought the creation of Executive Leads to represent the nine Protected Characteristics and Fairer Scotland Duty (FSD) to provide visibility from a senior leadership level.