Key facts
Number of colleagues
Our diagnostic facilities
In 2025/26 we will have:
- 4 MRI scanners
- 3 CT scanners
- 3 Ultrasound rooms
Number of operating theatres
When Phase 2 is fully opened, there will be:
- 26 operating theatres
Number of beds
- 220
Endoscopy procedure rooms
- 5 endoscopy procedure rooms, with 2 designed fro advanced training through the NHS Scotland Academy (NHSSA)
NHS Scotland Academy learners
- 7,309 learners are expected to participate in NHSSA programmes in 2025/26
Centre for Sustainable Delivery
- To date 158,000 appointments have been released through Active Clinical Referral Triage (ACRT)
and Patient Initiated Review (PIR) Outpatient Redesign during 2024/25. - Health Boards have been setting stretch targets and are on track to deliver 210,000 appointments by 2024/25 year end which far exceeds the initial target of 90,000 appointments.
- This work will continue over the lifetime of the NHS Golden Jubilee Board Strategy.
Golden JubileeConference Hotel
- 170 spacious bedrooms for guests and delegates
- Only Scottish residential member of Venues of Excellence and International Association of Conference Centres
- 2019 Scottish Hotel Awards – Large Conference Hotel – Regional Winner
- 2020 Scottish Hotel Awards – Conference Hotel of the Year – National Winner
- Venues of Excellence – Venue Committed to Sustainability Award 2020