Delivering care through collaboration
August 31, 2018


As many of you will know, our expansion plans are progressing well and we are on track to have our integrated Ophthalmology unit open in 2020.

Last year we carried out 46,000 procedures and with our expansion plans we will carry out even more to help patients get treated faster and more appropriately. 

It is because we consistently provide services that are safe, effective, and tailored to individuals, that the Scottish Government have trusted us to do this. 

Due to the scale of the project, we have a dedicated expansion team and a range of other people within the organisation using their individual skills and experience to support the development.

Our expansion project will see significant benefits for the local community. As well as longer term job opportunities, there will be dedicated building apprenticeships and opportunities for local suppliers as we are committed to buying locally as much as we can.

We were clear that community benefits would form an important part of our expansion programme and I am delighted that we are already successfully collaborating with colleagues at West College Scotland and West Dunbartonshire Council on learning initiatives, transport, connectivity, environmental, and health and wellbeing issues.

But our most important collaboration is with our patients. We could not be expanding our service without their involvement and support.

Patients and third sector organisations have been directly involved in our expansion workshops, which have been regularly held since the beginning of the project. But the input of patients has been more widespread than that.

Nearly 1,000 ophthalmology patients from across the country told us their views about their experience of being treated here at the Golden Jubilee. The most heartening for us to hear is that 96% of ophthalmology patients agree or strongly agree that they would recommend the service to their friends and family.

I am very proud that we spend a lot of time trying to make the patient journey from start to finish easier for individuals and their families and friends. We have dedicated transport from other hospitals across Scotland that bring patients directly to our front door. Patients who are travelling a distance can stay in our hotel the night before surgery and can also have a relative, carer or friend accompany them to ease any anxieties they may have.

So it was a pleasure for me to learn that 94% of our ophthalmology patients agree or strongly agree that it is worth travelling to the Golden Jubilee for their treatment. When we posed the same question to our orthopaedic patients, 97% responded say the same thing, that the journey to travel to the Golden Jubilee was worth it.

Thank you to everyone who completes questionnaires, writes compliments and complaints, writes reviews on social media and comments on Care Opinion. You keep our services focused and person centred and that is the real foundation of the NHS Golden Jubilee.

So keep your ears to the ground for the day that we cut the first turf and part of our grounds turn into a building site. I will continue to keep you up to date with our progress. I hope you will all agree these exciting developments will be such a great thing for the people of Scotland.

For those of you who have already had your summer holiday welcome back and I hope you had a good break.  For those of you still to go enjoy!

Warmest wishes


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